An Update

It’s been a while! For those you that don’t know – I broke the website in 2019. I’m sorry. It was a big technical mess. Then we had money trouble. We were a paying market, so that was a big problem. The other editors had moved on to other projects, which was a good thing for them. so I sort of just waited until there was a good time to try again.

Likely Red is back now, if you want it, that is.

Going forward, there are going to be a few changes to help prevent things from imploding into itself in the future:

  1. We are no longer a paying market. We loved being a paying market, but it’s just no longer in the cards. We hope you will continue to submit your stories anyway.
  2. We no longer charge submission fees.
  3. Submissions are now only accepted via email at we ever get some funds, maybe we’ll revisit Submittable, but for now, email is best.
  4. We are switching to a quarterly issue schedule. More details will come as we gather submissions and arrange our next issue.
  5. We are now open for submissions again.

Complete guidelines can be found on our Submissions page.

Thank you all for your tremendous encouragement and support over the years.

To the future,

Eric – Editor

Peepers by Chris Dungey

“”You’ve gotta move,” I’d shout above the roar, I don’t know how loud since I wore good ear-covers. No problem, apparently, after a few of those rocking-horse staggers like they do, just barely out of my path. “You’re gonna get sprayed!” Mulched clippings shot from under the machine, but that only happened once. Henny-Penny always foraged on the safe side after that.”

Continue reading “Peepers by Chris Dungey”

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